Your custom client portal
one click away

Share and collaborate securely

Engage with your clients

Enhance your brand

Voglio provare Time2Client

Lawyer's branding

Lawyer's higher visibility.
Client's better experience.

When you have a personal client portal you can grow your activity at a higher rate.

Improve your communication
Un uomo si sistema la cravatta.Simboleggia una migliore comunicazione con i clienti

Fine tech for tailor made product

Improve your web presence and personal brand
by customizing your client portal with your logo and style.

You choose what style to have in your client portal and customize fonts, colors and images. Upload your personal or studio logo for a complete tailor made solution and great visibility.

Customize with your brand
Schermata di login con tema industriale
Schermata di login con tema classico
Schermata di login con tema moderno

Save time and store securely

Schermata principale di Time2Client come appare su un pc desktop
  • Data and document encrypted with modern technologies.

  • Share documents with your colleagues.

  • Receive mail notifications when your client uploads new documents.

  • Organize events related to your legal case and export in your calendar. Share those with your client.

Transparent pricing strategy

Simplicity is our strength

Clienti1 Clienteillimitati
Spazio sul cloud10 documentiillimitato
Datarooms1 Dataroomillimitate
Prezzo (IVA esclusa*)0 € / mese15 € / mese

* Dove applicabile

Scopri il nostro blog. Cosa c'è dietro alla tecnologia di Time2Client e quali sono i nostri obiettivi e strategie future.